The Darktown Fire Brigade - To the Rescue!
The Darktown Hook and Ladder Corps.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Taking a Rest.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Under Full Steam.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Slightly Demoralized.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - The Last Shake.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Investigating a Smoke.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - A Prize Squirt.
Darktown Fire Brigade. The Chief, On Duty.
The Darktown Fire Brigade - Hook and Ladder Gymnastics.
Darktown Fire Brigade. The Foreman on Parade.
Darktown Bicycling - Scooped De Pear
The Darktown Hunt - The Meet.
Darktown Bicycling - A Tender Pair
A Darktown Lawn Party.
Darktown Trolley - Through Car in Danger.
A Darktown Donation Party, A Doubtful Acquisition.
The Darktown Banjo Class - Off the Key.
[Buildting on fire.]