The Darktown Yacht Club - Hard Up For a Breeze.
Darktown Sports - Winning Easy.
Darktown Yacht Club - Ladies' Day.
The Yacht "Madeleine," N.Y. Yacht Club.
The Darktown Bowling Club.
The Celebrated Yacht "America."
The American Champion Yacht "Puritan"
The Darktown Bicycle Club - On Parade.
The New York Yacht Club Regatta.
The Darktown Othello.
The Yacht "Fleetwing" of N.Y. 212 Tons.
The Yacht "Vesta" of N.Y. 201 Tons.
The Steam Yacht Anthracite.
A Darktown Lawn Party.
The Clipper Yacht "America" of New York.
The Yacht "Sappho" of New York.
The Great Ocean Yacht Race.