The Iron Steam Ship "Great Eastern" 22,500 Tons.
The Mammoth Iron Steam-Ship Great Eastern.
The Mammoth Iron Steam-Ship "Great Eastern" 22,500 Tons, 2600 Horse Power.
The Mammoth Iron Steam-Ship "Great Eastern" 22,500 Tons, 3000 Horse Power.
Twin-Screw Steamer "Campania," of the Cunard Line.
The Iron Steam Ship Great Britain.
Steam-Ship "Pereire".
The Great Eastern Rounding the Point Opposite Blackwall
The Narragansett Steamship Co's Steamer Providence of the Fall River Line, Capt. B. M. Simmons.
Steam Ship "Oceanic"
The Magnificent New Steamship City of Rome, 8,300 Tons, of the Inman Line.
Steamship Assyrian Monarch.
Rarus and Great Eastern.
The Wreck of the Atlantic.
The Magnificent Steamship "City of New York" of the Inman Line.
Capture of Roanoke Island, Feby. 8th 1862.
Steam Ship Washington
Steamship City of Berlin of the Inman Line.
Steamship Egypt of the National Line.