City Hall, New York.
Broadway New York.
[Sons of Temperance apron.]
[Sons of Temperance neckpiece.]
Son of Temperance.
The Independent Gold Hunter On His Way To California
Pleasure Railway at Hoboken.
Arrival of the ship of Captain Christaensen.
The Fruits of Temperance.
Temperance Meeting
The Grand Procession in Honor fo the Fenian Exiles
In 1626, Peter Minuit, the first Dutch Governor - General of New Netherland, purchased all of Manhattan Island from the Indians for the equivalent of $24.00.
The Tree of Temperance.
Invitation Ticket. 2nd Anniversary of the S.of T.
The Iroquois used to fight against each other until Hiawatha told them to call representatives from all the tribes to a great council to be held on the banks of Onondaga Lake.
In 1639 Jonas Bronck, after whom the Borough of the Bronx was named, purchased land in that Borough from the Indians. In 1642, after many hostilities, a treaty with the Indians was signed in his house