Transportation Map of New York
Map of New York and the Adjacent Cities.
Map of the City of New-York 1852
The New York Steam Company
Road Map of the New York and New Jersey Suburbs
Map of that Part of the City of New York North of 155th Street
Colton's Map of the County of Westchester
A Plan of the City of New - York and its Environs
The Seamen's Bank for Savings Rapid Transit Map of Greater New York
Plan of the City of New-York
Map of New York and its vicinity
Plan of the City of New York.
A Plan of New York Island, With Part of Long Island, Staten Island & East New Jersey
Battle of Long Island
This Map of the City of New York and Island of New York as laid out by the Commissioners appointed to the Legislature
Map of Manhattan and Bronx [Map of Manhattan and western Brooklyn and Queens.]