"The House of Peace"
Faith in God [Music for "The Power of Passion".]
"The Fiddle" [Music for "The Girl of Yesterday".]
"Love is a Flower" [Music for "Yankele Tzigainer".]
"It Tears! It Burns!" [Music for "The Radio Girl".]
"The Unfortunate Bride of Suffolk St."
Popular Songs From Israel Zangwill's Play "King of the Schnorrers"
"You Have, You Give, You Live" [Music for "The Golden Land".]
"I'll Always Be Yours" [Music for "The Circus Girl".]
"Models of Love"
"In My Eyes You're Beautiful" [Music for "The Love Thief".]
"I Can Forget Everybody But Not You" [Music for "Katinka".]
"Song of the Dnieper"
Song Hits of Ludwig Satz's Musical-Comedy Sensation "His Wife's Lover" with Joseph Shoengold
Maurice Schwartz as "Noah Pandre" in "Song of the Dnieper" by Zalmen Schneour
"Oh, It's Good!" [Music for "My Malkele".]
["The Golden Land" theater still.]
"Leyke" [Music for "Happy Beggars".]
"You Are An Angel From Heaven" [Music for "The Golden Soldier".]