La Destruction de la Statue Royale a Nouvelle Yorck
La destruction de la statue royale a Nouvelle Yorck. Die Zerstörung der königlichen Bild säule zu Neu Yorck
L'Entré Triumphale de Troupes Royales a Nouvelle Yorck
Debarquement des Troupes Engloises a Nouvelle Yorck
Débarquement des Troupes Angloises à Nouvelle Yorck
Burning of Stamp Act, Boston.
Incendie de New - York.
Vue de la Nouvelle Yorck
Boston Tea Party. Three cargoes of tea destroyed Dec. 16, 1773.
Letter from Stephen De Lancey to his father, Oliver De Lancey, January 14, 1779
La Nouvelle Yorck
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, December 31, 1777-February 14, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, May 10, 1777-June 20, 1777, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, February 20, 1778-March 13, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Float - Destruction of the Statue of George III.
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, April 30, 1778-May 15, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, March 16, 1778-March 27, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, May 15, 1778-May 27, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
Order book of Oliver De Lancey, May 27, 1778-June 2, 1778, copied by Edward Floyd De Lancey in 1880
The "Minute-Men" of the Revolution.