[Old Trinity Church, Astor Memorial, detail of upper part showing Virgin and child.]
Old Trinity Church. Detail of Virgin and Child over entrance to Dix Memorial Chapel.
Broadway and Wall Street. Trinity Churchyard. Astor Memorial Cross, detail of Adam and Eve.
Broadway and Wall Street. Astor Memorial, churchyard cross, Trinity Churchyard.
Wall Street and Broadway. Old Trinity Church pulpit. 1926.
Broadway and Wall Street. Old Trinity Church, north bronze doors.
Broadway and Wall Street. Old Trinity Church, central bronze doors.
Broadway and Wall Street. Old Trinity Church, south bronze doors.
Wall Street. Detail of altar in Old Trinity Church.
Wall Street. Trinity Church, detail of communion rail.
Wall Street. Trinity Churchyard. Astor Memorial Cross.
Wall Street. Trinity Church, detail of altar.
Trinity Church, detail of Dix Memorial.
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church, interior showing Christmas decorations.
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Thomas Knox memorial tablet
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Thomas Swords memorial tablet
Wall Street. Trinity Church, Joannis Kemp memorial tablet.
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Thomas Egleston memorial tablet
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Daniel Ludlow memorial tablet.