Wall Street. Detail of installation in Brown Bros. Bank.
Wall Street and William Street. Bank of America.
Wall Street. Brown Brothers Bank Building, detail view of plaques on 3rd floor exterior
Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Bank of New York and Trust Co., detail of basement stories.
Wall Street at the N.W. corner of William Street. Bank of America, entrance.
Stone Street. College Lunch restaurant, detail of wall tiles.
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
Pine Street and Nassau Street. Chase National Bank, detail, entrance front.
48 Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Old Bank of New York interior.
Wall Street. Brown Brothers Bank Building, general view from S.W.
57 Wall Street. Trust Company of America, detail of basement stories.
120 Wall Street at South Street. General exterior.
[60 Wall Street. Cities Service Company. Exterior detail, aluminum observatory.]
63 Wall Street. Detail new entrance
48 Wall Street. Tops of Bank of New York Trust Co. and National City Co.'s buildings.
60 Wall Street [70 Pine Street.] Cities Service Company. Exterior detail, aluminum observatory
25 Pine Street. Commonwealth Bank of Australia, interior.