The Mall, Central Park. [The Russian Commission, July 1917.]
Central Park. The Mall, decorated for the Russian Commission
Mall -- Central Park [Looking South].
[Central Park looking toward apartment buildings on Central Park West.]
Central Park: Carriage Near the Mall.
Police Parade, The Mall, Central Park.
The Mall, Central Park, N. Y. City.
444 Central Park West. View of Central Park, looking S.E.
Central Park. Three views of the park.
[Central Park Bandshell.]
Central Park. Three views of park
[Central Park South.]
[Man in Central Park.]
[Central Park from the roof of the Southmoor.]
Obelisk, Central Park, about 1900 (?).
[Destruction of the Central Park Casino.]
[Elevated view of Central Park looking southwest.]
[Central Park.]
Central Park Bandshell