Evening dress in floral warp printed pink silk taffeta
Dress in china silk printed with pink flowers on black ground
Afternoon ensemble comprising coat and dress in rose pink linen
Dress in floral print on white velveteen ground
Afternoon dress in white satin with floral brocading
Cocktail dress in chine "Poiret" rose printed silk taffeta
Evening dress in wool printed with floral centered diamond motif
Evening dress of green, white, and pink horizontally striped silk organza
Evening dress in unbleached silk gazar
Cocktail dress in black slubbed silk printed in pink, white and green rose pattern
Afternoon dress in synthetic rose tan crepe with Venetian lace
Day dress in floral motif outlined in black and red script reading "once in a while" printed on off-white rayon crepe ground
Dress in blue cotton printed in blue, white, pink and coral birthday motifs
Strapless ball gown in rose satin and grey taffeta, with custom dress form
Evening dress in pink chiffon and embroidered pink satin
Cocktail dress in orange, light green and dark green warp-printed silk taffeta, with matching coat
Day dress in white cotton pique, vermiculate and floral stripe print
Day ensemble in printed floral plissé silk
Ballgown in blue and greige changeante silk taffeta with hot pink shawl
Cocktail dress in camel floral velvet broche on gunmetal silk satin ground