4th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont.
4th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont, staircase.
4th Avenue between 41st Street and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont, lobby.
4th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont, grand staircase.
4th Avenue between 41st Street and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont, dining room.
4th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont, main entrance from inside.
4th Avenue and 42nd Street. Hotel Belmont, interior of 42nd Street entrance.
42nd Street and 4th Avenue. Grand Central Terminal.
8th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Bus Terminal, cocktail lounge.
8th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Bus Terminal, public telephones.
8th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Street. Bus Terminal, Rose Fashions.
Park Avenue between 41st Street and 42nd Street. Pershing Square Building.
East 41st through 42nd Streets. Tudor city, playground and pool for children.
110 East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. 41st Street side
Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street, 3rd Avenue and 41st Street. Architects rendering of proposed building.
5th Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets. New York Public Library Picture Collection, people using picture collection.
Fifth Avenue between 41st Street and 42nd Street. Views of the New York Public Library Picture Collection.