20 John Street. Goldsmith Bros., crucible and muffler furnace.
118 Maiden Lane. Elkworth, melting pot and blast furnace.
International Mettalurgic Co., analysis, crucible and muffler, blast furnace.
304 Hudson Street. American Ever Ready Co., annealing oven and blast furnace.
30-32 Wall Street. Assay Office.
Stone Street. Chubb and Co. Annex.
Pearl Street and Pine Street. Geo. F. Nesbitt and Co. Printers, interior.
161 Front Street, corner Fletcher Street. Cullman Brothers, general interior.
Wall Street. Brown Brothers Bank Building, general view from S.W.
23 Cliff Street. Wheelock Lovejoy Co., plant for annealing tempered steel.
Hanover Street and Beaver Street. Brown Brothers
48 Wall Street. Tops of Bank of New York Trust Co. and National City Co.'s buildings.
Wall Street at the N.E. corner of William Street. Bank of New York and Trust Co., detail of basement stories.
39 Broadway. Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, detail of entrance.
Wall Street and William Street. Bank of America.
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building.
Barclay Street and Vesey Street. New York Telephone Building.
Liberty Street. Guaranty Trust Co., Mr. Sabin's room, detail of entrance end.
246 West 39th Street. From third-story window to 251-55 West 39th Street looking south into excavation and showing nearest blasting point to 246 West 39th Street about 90 feet distant, 11:31am.