State Street and Pearl Street. Chesebrough Building.
[Pearl and Water Street. Chase Cafeteria.]
Wall Street and Pearl Street. Rendering of proposed site of [Seaman's Bank for Savings?].
Pearl and Water Street. Chase Cafeteria.
[672 Water Street. Dr. Brown's Soda manufacturers. Interior, syrup cauldron.]
Pearl Street and Water Street. Chase Cafeteria
State Street at the corner of Pearl Street. Chesebrough Building.
54 Pearl Street at the corner of Broad Street. Fraunces Tavern.
530 West 27th Street. Lyon's Tooth Powder Company
Riverside Drive and 92nd Street. Apartment house.
Wall Street at the corner of Pearl Street. Seaman's Savings Bank, kitchen.
530 West 27th Street. Lyon's Tooth Powder Company. Gas fired boiler
100 Gold Street and Frankfort Street. Hide and Leather Building, entrance.
Broad Street and Wall Street. Equitable Trust Company.
151 West 32nd Street. Lyons Mirror and Novelty Company. Interior, drying oven and glue heater
William and Fulton Streets, and Ann Street. Royal Insurance Building, general exterior.
Centre Street and Pearl Street. Federal Courthouse and New York County Clerk building
State Street and Broadway and Whitehall Street. One State Plaza Building, corner of State Street, Broadway, Whitehall Street, general view from south.
Centre Street and Pearl Street. Federal Courthouse