Woolworth Building, vault.
Woolworth Building, engine room looking west from east end.
Woolworth Building. Safe deposit vault.
Woolworth Building. Safe deposit vaults.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement, coal bunkers from east end.
Woolworth Building, vault from N.E. corner.
Woolworth Building, Looking West From East End [Construction zone.]
Woolworth Building, sub-cellar, east wall to pit from south end.
Woolworth Building, Rathskeller from west end.
Woolworth Building, north area from west end.
Woolworth Building, south area from west end.
Woolworth Building, basement large room, S.W. corner view from east end.
Woolworth Building, basement from S.W. corner, vaults looking N.E.
Woolworth Building, from Barclay Street looking east.
Woolworth Building, Broadway area wall from south end.
Woolworth Building, basement from north end of east aisle, looking south through center.
Woolworth Building, engine room, pump room from west end.
Woolworth Building, air cushions, from north end looking south.
Philippine National Bank in the Woolworth Building. Banking rooms.