East Side Laundry, steam boiler and spherical iron for mending shirtwaists.
130 East 15th Street. Laundry outfit for irons.
42nd Street. Consolidated Gas Company showrooms, combination broiler and iron heater.
Gas Heater, "Economic" asbestos.
Gas heater, "Cubist" reflector.
[Interior, laundry.]
19 East 72nd Street. Interior, laundry cubicle in basement
1 East 94th Street. Cass Gilbert residence, [gas and hot water heaters].
Duke residence, laundry.
Asbestos Gas heater, mantel type.
Gas heater, "Cheerful" aluminum reflector.
502-504 East 74th Street. Empire Steam Laundry, exterior.
[Hospital. Interior, laundry.]
[Interior, laundry room.]
Bloomingdale's, east side rear windows.
183rd Street and Third Avenue. St. Barnabas Hospital, Home for Incurables. Interior, laundry and ironing
228 East 21st Street. House of Consolation. Kane Boiler and Pittsburgh Water Heater.
Gas Heater, "Puritan #74" reflector cylinder.
[Water heater and a Peerless Range.]