39 Gold Street. Stern Brothers Co, crucible blast furnace for assaying gold and silver ore.
International Mettalurgic Co., analysis, crucible and muffler, blast furnace.
118 Maiden Lane. Elkworth, melting pot and blast furnace.
Wall Street. Detail of installation in Brown Bros. Bank.
Broadway and John Street. Automat, detail of entrance.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, monument to John Wells.
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building.
Pearl Street and Pine Street. Geo. F. Nesbitt and Co. Printers, interior.
Barclay Street and Vesey Street. New York Telephone Building.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, memorials, tablet to Sir John Temple, Baronet, north wall chancel.
Broad Street and Beaver Street. International Telephone Building, main entrance.
Wall Street and William Street. Bank of America.
2-10 John Street at Broadway, S.E. corner. Chesebrough Building [with Horn & Hardart Automat and Fanny Farmer Candies].
Stone Street. Chubb and Co. Annex.
161 William Street and Ann Street, N.W. corner. Business building.
Broad and Pearl Street. N.Y. Telephone Building.
Vesey Street and Broadway. St. Paul's Chapel, detail of altar and ornaments.
Pine Street and Nassau Street. Chase National Bank, detail, entrance front.