Come Across
Have you a liberty bond in your home
1908 A Happy New Year
The Boss Baker
The "Long and "Short" of It Is a General "Bust" Up in the "Street."
The Modern "Song of Shirt."
Thanksgiving - Nevertheless.
"I Can't Let Them Starve but Where to Get the Money?"
Civil Service Reform has Gone to Stay
The "Internationalists" Are to Make the World All One Millennium - (Chaos)
The Haunted House; or, the "Murdered" Rag Baby Will Not Be Still.
One Problem a Wisecrack Won't Solve.
Always Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg.
Keeping the Money Where It Will Do Most Good.
Matron Welbe of the Lost Children's Dept. of Police Headquarters, with one of her charges.
The American Ambulance in Russia
Matron Welbe of the Lost Children's Department at Police Headquarters, with one of her charges.
The Times
Rainy Day Club
Sure -- We'll Give You a Free Home