Schwarywaelder's Diamond Stove Polish.
Corn Exchange Insurance Company of New York
Wm. Crossman's Hair Invigorator & Restorer.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment. The Great Natural Bone Setter.
Gilbert & Parsons, Hygienic Whiskey. For Medical Use.
F. Basham, Modeller, Plaster, Cement & Scagliola Worker, No. 408 Broadway, New York.
Trust in the Lord.
Chair-makers Society.
Buy the New Remington Sewing Machine No. 3
It is easy enough to be pleasant when life flows along like a song; but the man worth while is the man who can smile when everything goes dead wrong
Buy the New Remington Sewing Machine
The Violet by Julia Magruder
Highland Fling.
Millard Fillmore
Smoke [...] Cigars
George Washington