9th Avenue corner of West 15th Street. National Biscuit Co. Building.
West 15th Street and Tenth Avenue. National Biscuit Company, shipping building
9th Avenue corner West 15th Street. National Biscuit Co. bake room.
West 15th Street and Tenth Avenue. National Biscuit Company, shipping building. Aluminum bridge
West 15th Street and Tenth Avenue. National Biscuit Company. Construction view
View looking west through 15th Street [between] 9th and 10th Avenue at site for bridge across street, National Biscuit Company.
11th Avenue and 47th Street. Margolies-Field Building, exterior.
11th Avenue and 47th Street. Margolies-Field Building, interior.
Consolidated Gas Co. Building, East 15th Street. Connecting Box.
15th Avenue and 47th Street. Seville Court.
National Biscuit Co.
61 East 11th Street. Loft Building.
Consolidated Gas Co. Building, East 15th Street. Storage batteries and booster outfits.
9th Avenue at the corner of West 15th Street. Uneeda Biscuit Plant interior.
Madison Avenue and 41st Street. Johns-Manville Co. Building, 11th floor lobby.
25th Street and 11th Avenue. Rogers and Gallet factory.