H. Ziegler 18 East 54th St.
Residence, H. Ziegler, 18 East 54th St.
9 East 54th Street. [Charles Boyd] Curtis residence.
26 East 54th Street. Ira Barrows Jr.
[East 54th Street bath.]
57 East 54th Street
[Park Ave & 54th Street.]
55 West 54th Street. Hotel Bevon.
140 East 54th Street. Medical Chambers
West 54th Street, general exterior.
[Park Avenue and 54th Street.]
[East 54th Street public baths.]
[54th Street and Lexington Avenue]
60 East 54th Street. Hotel Elysee
15 and 17 West 54th Street [probably].
[351 West 54th Street]
Arthur S. Vernay Inc., 19 East 54th Street.