Craftsman Club, range equipment.
Hot plate warmers.
228 East 21st Street. House of Consolation, kitchen showing gas range, plate warmer with steam table, coffee and tea urns and hot table.
Lord and Taylor, kitchen, tea, coffee, and chocolate department.
Hotel McAlpin, Tea, Coffee, Toast and Chocolate Department, 23rd floor.
Elks Club kitchen. Toaster and plate warmer.
Model apartments, detail of chafing dish, coffee percolator, and tea urn with gas burners.
130 East 15th Street. Combined hot plate toaster and broiler.
Christopher Street. Tea tasting Appraisers Stores. Gas heater for hot water.
251 West 19th Street. Craftsman Film Laboratories
251 West 19th Street. Craftsman Film Laboratories. Interior
Mrs. Lyman and Miss Hazen, illustrating coffee percolator.
Broadway and 168th Street. Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, step shelf with hot plate pulled forward, Room #43.
[Women having tea.]