Woolworth Building, sub-basement center south.
Woolworth Building, basement large room, S.W. corner view from east end.
Woolworth Building, [sub-basement from] center [loo]king N.W.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement central section, boiler room.
Woolworth Building, sub-cellar, east wall to pit from south end.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement swimming pool from S.W. corner.
Woolworth Building, basement from north end of east aisle, looking south through center.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement midway between boiler and engine room looking east.
Woolworth Building, bank vaults from east end.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement from N.E. corner room from S.W. corner.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement rear of boilers, west side.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement engine room from S.E. looking N.W.
Woolworth Building, sub-basement engine room from S.W. corner looking N.E.
Woolworth Building, sub-cellar, west wall to pit from south end.
Woolworth Building, engine room looking west from east end.
Woolworth Building, Rathskeller from west end.
Woolworth Building, basement from N.W. corner looking east to Park Place.
Woolworth Building, sub-cellar looking south along east wall.
Woolworth Building, north area from west end.
Woolworth Building, south area from west end.