Fort Hamilton Road. Johnson house, hall.
Fort Hamilton Road. Johnson house [sun room or portico].
Johnson house, front.
Harbor View Terrace and Crescent Court. Daly houses.
Furness Withy Ltd., S.S. "Fort Hamilton" Pier 95 North River, Astern.
Fort Hamilton
Furness Withy Ltd., S.S. "Fort Hamilton" Pier 95 North River, Broadside.
Interior of Fort Hamilton
Fort Washington Road and 172nd Street. General exterior.
Fort Hamilton in Winter.
Furness Withy Ltd., S.S. "Fort Hamilton" Pier 95 North River, Boat Deck.
Riverside Drive and Fort Washington Park. Future site of George Washington Bridge, Manhattan side
Furness Withy Ltd., S.S. "Fort Hamilton" Pier 95 North River, Interior, Library and Music Room.
Fort Hamilton Park Fronting the Narrows.
[Fort Hamilton, looking north west.]
The Narrows. (From Fort Hamilton)
Veterans Hospital, operating room 152, showing wall cabinet and special lighting over table.