Police Mutual Aid Association
Constitution and By-Laws of the Municipal Police Aid Association of the City of New York
Police Aide
Member - Police Square Club, Inc. of the City of New York
City Departments, Police Department Headquarters.
[New York City Police Aide.]
Police Headquarters, The "Rogue's Gallery".
Police and Warden Duties in Wartime
M [New York City Police Aide.]
By-Laws of Board of Engineers and Foremen of the New York Fire Department
Chanucka Celebration of the Young Men's Hebrew Association of the City of New York
Matron Welbe of the Lost Children's Dept. of Police Headquarters, with one of her charges.
Matron Welbe of the Lost Children's Department at Police Headquarters, with one of her charges.
N.Y.C. [New York City Police Aide.]
Police Station Lodgers 11. In Oak Street Station.
City Departments, Police Parade.