25th Street and Madison Avenue. Appellate Court Building.
[Supreme Court - Appellate Division Building, 25th Street and Madison Avenue.]
Pierrepoint Street and Monroe Place. Appelate Division, U.S. Supreme Court.
[Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. 27th Street side
17 Madison Avenue. Pullman Building.
East 27th Street and Fourth Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden
[Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Unidentified Supreme Court building.]
[Statue outside U.S. Appellate Court on Madison Square.]
Madison Square Garden. N.Y.C. View from 3rd Floor Window of 39 East 27 St. looking South-west towards 26 St. and Madison Avenue
Madison Avenue between 27th and 28th Street. New York Life Insurance Co., new addition, view from S.W. on Madison Avenue.
[Detail of the Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]