[Supreme Court - Appellate Division Building, 25th Street and Madison Avenue.]
25th Street and Madison Avenue. Appellate Court Building.
[Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Detail of the Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
Pierrepoint Street and Monroe Place. Appelate Division, U.S. Supreme Court.
[Statue outside U.S. Appellate Court on Madison Square.]
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden. 27th Street side
17 Madison Avenue. Pullman Building.
East 27th Street and Fourth Avenue. Old Madison Square Garden
Madison Avenue between 27th and 28th Street. New York Life Insurance Co., new addition, view from S.W. on Madison Avenue.
26th Street near Madison Avenue. Madison Square Apartments.
Madison Avenue at the S.W. corner pf 27th Street. Rendering by Hughson Hawley, 1909.