[Advertising posters on a fence, traffic sign reads "Pleasure Traffic Keep Over to the Left. Business Traffic Keep Over to the Curb"]
Fort Wadsworth Barracks
[Decorations for the Hudson-Fulton Parade on Fifth Avenue.]
[Fire engine on Chambers Street, between Elk Street and Broadway.]
[John Anderson & Co. Tobacco Store]
Eagle Brewery
J. J. Perkins Storefront
Ruin of Old Mill Bridge
In the Gully Looking Out [Winter scene in the park]
Croton Dam
[Street scene with elevated railroad curve and bridge in distance]
Tugs in Naval Parade [probably Dewey Celebration]
[Railroad yard with cars, "C.R.R. of N.J" on side of train]
[Photographer with tripod set-up]
Washington Arch
Returning from fire
Fire Island Beach, Long Island [bird's-eye view]