Children on a Harlem Doorstep.
Newsstand, Harlem.
Children in the Playground of a Harlem Housing Project.
Boys on Stoop in Harlem.
Two Men on a Harlem Stoop.
Mother with Baby Carriage, Harlem.
Boys On Apartment Stoop, Harlem.
Street Scene in Harlem in front of Daniel's Bar and Grill.
Sybil's Beauty Salon.
Pushcart Selling Cakes.
Street Scene with Newsstand.
Apartment with People, Harlem.
Harlem Apartment.
Playground In Vacant Lots, Harlem.
Swimming Pool and Children.
Construction Job in Harlem.
Jitterbugging in Harlem.
Jitterbug in Harlem.
Two Shoeshine Boys, Harlem.