79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Hotel Lucerne.
150 West 79th Street. The Laural Apartments [possibly].
310-316 West 79th Street. The Hereford and The Kelmscott Apartment Houses.
West 86th Street at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue. St. Germaine Apartment House.
903 Park Avenue and N.E. corner East 79th Street. Apartment house.
172 West 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Apartments.
79 East 79th Street. Apartment building
307-313 West 79th Street. Lassano Court Apartments
161 East 79th Street. Apartment house.
140 West 79th Street. The Brixford.
9 East 79th Street. Apartment building
[Madison Avenue and 79th Street.]
76th Street at the corner of West End Avenue. Lombard Apartment House.
101 West 78th Street at the corner Columbus Avenue. Evelyn Apartment House.
West End Avenue at the S.E. corner of 78th Street. Apartment house.
West 176th Street at the S.W. corner of Amsterdam Avenue. Florence Court Apartment House.
495 West End Avenue at the corner of West 84th Street. The Hohenzollern Apartment House.
West End Avenue at the S.W. corner of West 88th Street. Apartment house.
130 West 79th Street. Unity Synagogue
West End Avenue at the N.W. corner of 97th Street. Apartment house.