Theatre, Hudson, 139 West 44th Street.
[Hudson Theatre, Miss Ethel Barrymore.]
Hudson Theatre, Miss Ethel Barrymore.
Plays, "Carrots".
Portrait, Ethel Barrymore, John & Lionel.
Street Scenes - 1904. W. 44th St. No. Side Bet. Broadway & 6th Ave. Hudson Theatre.
[Ethel Barrymore.]
Street Scenes - 1904. 44th St. No. Side Looking E. from Broadway. Criterion Theatre Stage Door. (Theatre 1514 Broadway. Hudson Theatre 139 West 44).
[Samuel Colt as A Young Countryman, Ethel Barrymore as Marie-Louise, and Ethel Colt as Fanny Elssler in "L'Aiglon".]
"Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines." 1901.
Plays, "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines".
Plays, "Trelawney of the 'Wells'".
[Plays, Dudley Digges and Ethel Barrymore.]
Theatre, Hamilton, Broadway & 146th Street.