Interior, Office of Page Perfumer N.Y.
Interior, Office of Hand Bags and Brief Cases.
Interior, Office of Shoe Co.
Interior, Office of Barber Shoe.
Interiors, Auction Room, Vesey St.
Interiors, International Mercantile Marine Company's Office.
The Cosulich Line, 17 Battery Place, Interior, Freight Office.
Interiors, Theatre Office.
[Manufacturing Co. and Office Interior.]
Kabo Corset Co.
Interiors, Office of Libman, Spanjer Corp.
Schrafft's 2786 Broadway, Interior, Candy Counter from Front of Store.
Schrafft's, 386 Fulton Street, B'klyn, Interior, Tables and Stair Rail with Candy Boxes and Doll.
Italian Line Freight Office, 24 State Street, Interior, Office from Front.
Italian Line Freight Office, 24 State Street, Interior, Office from Side.