The Lower Market. 1717
The Great Flesh Market, 1717
The house in which Mrs. Alsop (daughter of Mrs. Jordan) died...
De Peyster Mansion
[7 Peck Slip]
Whitehall and Water Streets [Weehawken Street to Worth Street]
Estate of Ab'm Bloodgood
South Prospect of the City of New York.
The White Conduit House
"Old Tom's" and the "Crooked Stoop"
Old Delancy House.The Intersection of Hester, Division, and Clinton Streets. 1792-1897.
Wall Street - William to Hanover Streets [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
The Peweter Mug Tavern, 1860
Tripler's Hall, or Metropolitan Hall, 1854.
The Beach House, S.E. Corner of Greenwich and Cedar Streets Torn Down in 1878
Residence of Bishop Moore
Whitehall Boat
View of the Federal Edifice, New York
The Benkard Mansion, Later the Manhattan Club House. S.W. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 15th Street
The Ward Mansion