B'way and 39th St., N.Y.
[Broadway -- North from 23rd St., Madison Square.]
Bway Bet. 28th and 29th Sts., N.Y. [Broadway -- North from Below 29th St.]
B'way and 39th St. N.Y.
44th St. B'way, N.Y.
Residence, Miss Dodd, North Side of 21st St. Bet. 7th & 8th Aves.
Park & Tilford, B'way & 40th St. [?].
B'way and 42nd St. Looking South.
5th Ave. and 24th St. N.Y. [Fifth Avenue Looking North from Delmonico's Restaurant.]
City Hall Park looking North N.Y. [Broadway -- Mail Street].
[Broadway -- Corner of 25th St., Madison Square.]
Theatre, Fifth Ave., B'way & 28th St.
[Broadway North from 38th St.]
Theatre, Casino, 39th St. & Broadway.
Broadway North From 21st Street.
[Broadway North from Vesey St.]
Street Scenes, North from 64th Street, Broadway.
[Seventh Avenue -- Northeast Corner of 21st Street.]