Business Office - 5th Ave. Theatre. N.Y.
Interior, Office of Justrite and Roberta Corsets.
French Line Office 19 State Street, Interior, First Class Department.
French Line Office 19 State Street, Interior, Second Class Department.
The Safe Deposit Co. of N.Y.
Italia-America Line, Interior, Mr. ------ Office.
Zander Inst., N.Y.
French Line, 19 State St., Interior, N.A.M.T. Office.
U.H. Dudley & Co., Duanne & Hudson Streets, Interior, General Office.
[Columbia Hotel, Brooklyn, N.Y.]
French Line, 19 State St., Interior, Office of General Manager.
Italia-America Line, Interior, Mr. Behar's Office.
N.Y. Belting and Packing Co.
Offices, Grand Central Railroad Offices, Filing System.
Italia-America Line, Interior, Showing Private Offices.
[5th Ave. Theatre, N.Y.]
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Executive Offices, Third Floor, Mr. Blake.
Offices October, 1898 "N.Y. Dramatic Mirror" Bdwy + 40th St. 1432 B'way.
Hospitals, Zander Institute, N.Y. Vibrators and etc.