315-325 East 97th St.
Buildings, 1160 Fifth Ave & 97th St. New York.
186 Riverside Drive at West 91st Street, southeast corner. Apartment building
Riverside Dr. & 97th St.
[Looking south on Riverside Drive near 97th Street.]
225 Riverside Drive. Apartment building
West 91st Street and the N.E. corner of Riverside Drive.
[Irving Arms apartment building, 222 Riverside Drive.]
120-5 Riverside Drive at West 84th Street. Apartment building
Riverside Drive at the corner of West 94th Street. Irving Arms Apartment House.
258 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. Peter Stuyvesant Apartment House.
33 Riverside Drive. Apartment building
#303 - 315 West 96th St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 96th St. & Riverside Drive looking S.E. at South side of Block between Riverside Drive and West End Ave.
[Apartment building at West 83rd Street and Riverside Drive.]
Buildings, 320-322 West 107th St. N.Y.
5 Riverside Drive. Apartment building
City Tree - 97th Str. & Riverside Dr.
West End Avenue at the N.W. corner of 97th Street. Apartment house.
230-233 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 95th Street. The Robert Fulton Apartment House.
The Glen Cairn, 99th St. & Riverside Drive