Residences, Mrs. Watson Barratt, Interior of Dining Room Looking from Window.
Residences, Mrs. Watson Barratt, Interior of Music Room.
Residences, Mrs. Watson Barratt, Interior of Doorway Leading to Dining Room.
Mr. Fred E. Dayton, 15 West 67th Street, Interior, Studio, from Dining Room Opening.
[Interiors, Mrs. Hughes, Drawing Room.]
Interiors, Drawing Rooms, Private Residences.
[Interiors, Mr. Henderson, Sitting Room.]
[Interiors, Ed Lauterbach, Drawing Room.]
[Interiors, Ed Lauterbach, Boudoir.]
Interiors, Mrs. Leoni, Dining Room.
[Interiors, Ernest Thompson Seton, Studio.]
Residence, Interiors and Portrait of Mrs. Herman Lewis.
Interiors, Mrs. Leoni, Parlor.
[Interiors, Mrs. Elliott, Library.]
Residences, Mrs. Finch, 125 East 72nd Street, Interior Living Room.
Residence, Mr. Brandeis, Fifth Ave., Art Dealer.