Always Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Egg.
The "Long and "Short" of It Is a General "Bust" Up in the "Street."
The Haunted House; or, the "Murdered" Rag Baby Will Not Be Still.
Keeping the Money Where It Will Do Most Good.
The "Liberal" Conspirators (Who, You All Know, Are Honorable Men).
The Emancipator of Labor and the Honest Working-People
Will the Senator from Massachusetts Do This, to Make his Words Good?
"What Are You Laughing At? To the Victor Belong the spoils."
The Presidential Fever on the Supreme Bench.
"What Are You Going to Do About it?"
Adding Insult to Injury. Anything to Make our Republic Look Ridiculous.
Civil Service Reform has Gone to Stay
Foreign Evangelical Alliance. Two Neros -- (Too Near-o). ; "You Are Getting Too Big for Your Cradle."
"What Are You Going to Do About It," if "Old Honesty" Lets Him Loose Again?
"Poor Ignorant Black Man" Wants to Know, and You Noble White Gentleman Do Tell.
The Republic Is Not Ungrateful.
The Court of Death. King Death's Distribution of Prizes. Bacchus Takes the First Premium.
They Both Lie Together in the Washington Arena.
New York. Excelsior.