5th Ave. and 24th St. N.Y. [Fifth Avenue Looking North from Delmonico's Restaurant.]
Residence, 51st to 52nd Sts. West Side, Sloane & Bordens [?] Fifth Ave.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, North from 51st Street.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 52 to 51 Sts.
Street Scenes-About 1892 Fifth Ave. 51st to 52nd St. No. Side.
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 51 to 50 Sts.
Residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt 1908 Fifth Ave. & West 58th Street.
[The C. T. Yerkes Residence on the Southeast Corner of 5th Ave. and 68th St.]
Bird's Eye View, N.W. from 51st Street & Lexington Avenue.
Street Scenes 1908 58th St. West from 5th Ave. (Duplicate of 18251).
Fifth Avenue [Fifth Avenue, 40th Street to 54th Street]
Fifth Ave. and 71st St. [The Residence of Mrs. N. E. Baylies.]
John D. Rockefeller. [West 54th St. West from 5th Ave.]
Street Scenes 1898, Fifth Ave. W. Side, 51st to 52nd Sts. From Grounds of Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Showing Sloane and Borden Houses.
852 Fifth Ave. & 66th St. [The Residence of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer.]
Street Scenes, 1898, N.W. Cor. 5th Ave. & 52nd St. Wm K. Vanderbilt House.
Residences, Rockefeller, John D., West 54th St. near 5th Ave.
927 Fifth Ave. [Fifth Avenue Looking South from 74th Street.]