Restaurants, Ascenbroedel, 86th Street.
852 Fifth Ave. & 66th St. [The Residence of Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer.]
Residence, W.C. Whitney, Secy. of Navy, N.E. Corner of 68th St.
Restaurants, Mrs. Craven.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue, About 1901 [?], 66th to 65th Streets.
[780 Madison Ave.]
Fifth Ave., 66th St., J.J. Astor, 65th St.
Residence, Mrs. Paran Stevens, N.E. 57th & 5th Ave. Leader of 400.
Restaurants, Campus.
Restaurants, Muschenheim's Arena, 31st East of Broadway.
Restaurants, Greek on the Bowery.
Street Scene - 1901. Fifth Ave. - South from 66th St.
Hotels, Hotel Marie Antoinette, Lobby.
Hospital, Roosevelt, 59th St. & Columbus Ave.