1351 Broadway. Lefcourt-Marlboro Building
[Northwest corner Madison Avenue and 36th Street.]
Buildings, 225 West 36th Street.
11 West 36th Street. Meyer-Sniffen Building.
Herald Bldg. 36th St. [W. 36th St. Looking East from Broadway.]
151 West 36th Street. Office building, construction view
[Broadway and 36th Street.]
36th Street and Fifth Avenue. Gorham Building
West 31st Street and Broadway, northwest corner. Martin Building
Street Scenes - 1900, 36th St. Bet. Broadway & 6th Ave.
West 36th Street at the corner 5th Avenue. Gorham Building.
10th Avenue at the N.W. corner of 36th Street. McGraw Hill Building.
Broadway, Corner of 38th Street.
1356 Broadway at West 36th Street. Greenwich Savings Bank
[West Side of Fifth Ave. from 35th to 36th Sts.]
[Broadway and 36th Street, Herald Square.]
Warren Street and Broadway, northwest corner
[West Side of Fifth Ave. from 36th to 37th Sts.]