Ottignon's Gymnasium. Sixth Semi-Annual Exhibition
[Subscription to C. F. Ottignon's Gymnasium.]
Education, Gymnasium at Teachers' College.
Charles F. Ottignon's Sparring Academy, 58 West 30th St, New York.
Union Adams, Importer and Manufacturer of Fine Furnishing Goods
Union Adams
65-69 Bleecker Street. Bayard-Condict Building
Summit Mineral Spring Water. Delluc & Co., Pharmaceutists
Benedict Brothers, Watches and Jewelry
Lyle's Millinery
"The Hoe" Printing Press, Machine & Saw Manufactory
Teachers' College.
J.J. Harvey, 44 Broadway.
New York Iron Foundry, Printing Press & Saw Manufactory, H. Worrall & Co.
Education, Swimming Pool, Teachers' College.
Lectures on the Institutes of Medicine, and Forensic Medicine.
[Looking north on Crosby Street at the Bayard-Condict Building.]