Interior, Office of Barber Shoe.
U.H. Dudley & Co., Duanne & Hudson Streets, Interior, General Office.
[Manufacturing Co. and Office Interior.]
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Executive Offices, Third Floor, Mr. Blake.
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, General Office Salesmen's Desks.
Cunard Steamship Co., Interior, Executive Offices, Third Floor, Sir Ashley Sparks' Room.
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Bookkeeping Department.
Interiors, Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Offices, Safes, Filing Cabinets.
International Magazine Co., Interior, Correspondence Dept.
Interiors, International Mercantile Marine Company's Office.
The Cosulich Line, 17 Battery Place, Interior, Freight Office.
Interiors, Theatre Office.
Interior, Office of Justrite and Roberta Corsets.
Interior, Office of Hand Bags and Brief Cases.
Italian Line Freight Office, 24 State Street, Interior, Office from Front.
Italian Line Freight Office, 24 State Street, Interior, Office from Side.
International Magazine Co., Interior, Order Dept.