Mary Lavinia Brooks
John E. Brooks
Marriage Felicity.
Ann Eliza Moserman Brooks (Mrs. John Brooks)
Mrs. Cornelia Ward Hall and Her Children
Helen Mary Hart Fiedler with her Children John, Helen and Mary
Roosevelt Hospital
Toys Come Back
Helen and Melville Brown
The James Abercrombie Burden Family
Miss and Master Morris
Juvenile Delinquency--Youth Board, Vincent Riccio
John Hone [Foster?]; Mrs. [...] [Washington?] [Members of the de Peyster, Foster, and Hone families and others.]
Agnes & Craig Havemeyer [Members of the Loomis and Havemeyer families.]
Children's Book Tryouts [Boy and girl talking.]
Emma Towne Foulke (Mrs. Pierre Louis Foulke) and her Son
Children's Book Tryouts [Boy and girl sitting in chairs.]
Bumper Baby Crop Now Gets Its First School Clothes [Boy wearing a cowboy outfit and boy trying on a suit.]