St. Patrick's Cathedral
[S.S. "Cristobal".]
The New Colossus
[Lower Manhattan.]
Immigration Station and Liberty.
[Sketches for the Rotunda of the United States Custom House, Broadway and Bowling Green.]
[S.S. "Panama".]
[Statue of Liberty.]
[The Statue of Liberty.]
[Detail of the shackles of the Statue of the Liberty.]
"So They're Goin' to Wash Her, Pore Old Girl."
Souvenir of New York - Statue of Liberty
Swearing Allegiance to Liberty on Entering the Country.
Statue of Liberty
Souvenir of New York: The Wonder City.;
Statue of Liberty in N. Y. Harbor.
Souvenir Folder of New York, The Greatest City.
[Ships in the harbor for the Roosevelt Parade.]