Com. Robert E. Peary U.S.N. Discoverer of the North Pole.
Portrait, Capt. Bartlett with Com. Peary to North Pole.
The Peary Arctic Club to Commander Robert E. Peary, U.S.N.
[Admiral Robert E. Peary and Robert A. Bartlett.]
National Testimonial to Commander Robert E. Peary, U.S.N.
The Peary Arctic Club requests the honor of the company of Robert H. Lyman Esq. to meet Commander Robert E. Peary, U.S.N. at dinner
National Testimonial tendered to Commander Robert E. Peary
Dinner to Robert E. Peary by to Lotos Club
Dinner Given by the Motor-Car Touring Society in Honour of Commander Robert E. Peary, United States Navy
Residence, Mrs. Elliott.
Residences, Mrs. Helen Terry Potter, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Chef Robert & Cooks in Dining Salon. S.S. "France" Pier 57 North River.
Plays, "Miranda of the Balcony".