Building, Larimore & Co. (Chemists).
East Side of Fifth Ave. from 47 to 46 Sts.
Hammacher Schlemmer & Co.
Faure-Pryce Elect. Co., Factory.
West Side of Fifth Ave. 46 to 47 Sts.
Building, New York Sporting Goods Co., 15 & 17 Warren St.
Building, Moe Levy & Co. (clothiers) 1439 B'way at Walker St.
Building, Marbridge Sixth Ave., 34th & 35th Sts.
Building, Knox, and view down Fifth Ave.
Park & Tilford, B'way & 40th St. [?].
[Railroad Building & Loan, 441 Lexington Avenue.]
#127 Fulton Street.
Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.
Building, Budd, 572 Fifth Avenue.