Vista of Central Park from Broadway
[View north from Carnegie Hall toward the construction of the Essex House]
Extension of the 6th Avenue Subway from Carmine Street , looking south]
[Unemployed: Study of an Apple Woman made from Life.]
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument in Riverside Park
[Broadway and 23rd Street, with Flatiron Building.]
Flatiron Building, Broadway & 23rd Street
The Old Post Office Building
[Fulton Street]
[Broadway, Above 23rd Street]
[Northeast corner of 8th Avenue and 54th Street]
Broadway, North from 23rd Street.
[Demolition of Senator William A. Clark's house]
[West 23rd Street from the Flatiron building.]
Passways to Manhattan. From footpath of Williamsburg Bridge looking south of East River
Building the Nave, Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Broadway Above 23rd Street
North from Fuller Building - 23rd Street and Broadway.
[News Stand 23rd and Broadway.]