Traveler's Insurance Co.
Ritz-Carlton Hotel
[Small farm dwellings next to a large road]
[Portrait of four children]
A Street in Brooklyn
[Policeman in front of monument entitled "Defeat of Slander"]
[Women's Suffrage parade]
Discarded Fleet of Railroad Locomotives, Harlem River Yard
[American House, possibly located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts]
Viaduct, Washington Heights
Ruin of Old Mill Bridge
[Railroad yard with cars, "C.R.R. of N.J" on side of train]
Birthplace of Morse
In Central Park
Replica of the Clermont
Old Clothes Exchange, Elizabeth Street
[Unidentified street scene, row of clapboard buildings with businesses on the ground floor]
Road Scene at Croton-on-Hudson [house at the end of a dirt road]
[Fire engine on lower Broadway]
April Day in Central Park, 1895