[Unidentified man in Edwardian collared suit and pince-nez]
[Unidentified man in suit with Edwardian collar and moustache]
[Unidentified man, seated]
[Unidentified man in polka dotted cravat]
[Unidentified man in grey suit, holding a hat, cane, and gloves]
[Unidentified man with moustache and striped tie]
[Unidentified man with prominent moustache]
[Unidentified man in dark suit with a white collar]
[Unidentified man in black tie, with tie pin]
[Unidentified man with bow tie and checked vest]
[Unidentified man in fur coat]
[Unidentified man in dark suit with a tie pin and moustache]
[Unidentified man in black tie with pearl tie pin]
[Unidentified man with black bow tie]
[Unidentified man in a library, holding a book]
[Unidentified sitter in hat and tunic]
[Unidentified man in black suit with an Edwardian collar]
[Unidentified man standing next to table with top hat]
[Unidenified man in houndstooth suit and Pince-nez]
Unidentified woman in high collar and feathered hat, in profile]