Steam Locomotives [Railroad yard, Kroeger factory in background]
[Street scene with elevated railroad curve and bridge in distance]
Discarded Fleet of Railroad Locomotives, Harlem River Yard
[Unidentified street scene, row of clapboard buildings with businesses on the ground floor]
Elevated Railroad [tracks from below]
[Photographer with tripod set-up]
On the Roosevelt (Peary Expedition, 1905) [group of men on the boat Roosevelt]
Road Scene at Croton-on-Hudson [house at the end of a dirt road]
On horseback, Sunday morning
Ruin of Old Mill Bridge
New East River Bridge approach with fish market [in the background]
Home of Samuel F. Smith, Author of "America", 1832
[Side of a theater, playing the silent film "Across the Pacific", children out front]
Replica of the Clermont
[Street scene with shops, pedestrians, cars, and a horse cart.]
[Policeman in front of monument entitled "Defeat of Slander"]
Croton Dam
Tugs in Naval Parade [probably Dewey Celebration]
Fire Island Beach, Long Island [bird's-eye view]